The PABC current standings after 10-5-09 are posted below.
1. Whitt, Bob 23.03
2. Morris, Jeff 19.38
3. Lucas, Jesse 17.32
4. Dorman, Bryan 17.26
5. Palko, Chip 15.26
6. Leeper, Jay 13.50
7. Snyder, David 13.13
8. Day, Garrett 9.02
9. Cavaness, Roy 8.78
10. Gagliano, Scott 6.81
11. Miner, Scott 6.44
12. Day, Jim 5.33
13. Carter, Randy 5.31
14. Lucas, Travis 4.81
15. Brumley, Justin 3.57
16. Watkins, Bandy 3.00
17. Dorman, Mike 2.69
18. Strange, Cameron 1.25
The PABC will be sponsoring their next tournament 10-17-09 at Lake Ivie. Start time is 7:30. We will meet at Concho Park. If you are interested in attending, we allow non-club members to fish twice a season (we are currently in the Fall Season).
Our Novembr Tournament will take place on 11-21-09 on Lake Nasworthy tentatively set for 7 AM to 1:30.
Hope to see you there.
What Joseph's story says to us
13 years ago