Thursday, August 13, 2009

PaulAnn Baptist Bass Club End of Year Standings

The PABC has finished its year long tournament. The final standings are:

1. Roy Cavness 151.08
2. Mike Dorman 128.00
3. Brian Dorman 131.01
4. Jeff Morris 124.78
5. Chip Palko 80.19
6. Jay Leeper 71.83
7. Garrett Day 58.25
8. Jim Day 57.48
9. Jesse Lucas 70.70
10. Scott Miner 65.76
11. Bob Whitt 45.75
12. Scott Gagliano 23.25
13. Stephen Cavaness 19.36
14. Justin Brumley 12.25
15. Noah Brumley 9.75
16. Brandon Halfmann 6.75
17. Travis Lucas 13.69
18. Joshua Brumley 7.88
19. Justin Houk 6.00
20. Drew Searsy 5.50
21. Westley Wyatt 4.06
22. Kevin Johnson 1.94
23. Justin Eady 1.88
24. Wes Hayes 1.88

Congrats to all the participants who helped make this a great year!!!

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