Sunday, January 25, 2009

Middle Concho 1-25-09


Went to our usual haunt as of late. Got there at about 3:30 and tied things up at about 6 PM. My fishing buddy, Scott, and I both had a lot of casualties in way of lures and tackle. I caught one on a crank bait; dink. Unfortunately, that was the only one. Scott had many hits on a Carolina rigged crawfish.

Water temperature was 51 and the water was, well ... what we expect for the typical clarity. Wind was out of the south at about 10 mph pretty much the whole time.

The dink was shallow in a gradual sloping mud bank. Pretty interesting that this has consistently produced the last few times I've fished the area. As one person put it, "I don't think the fish in the area ever stop going shallow."

I'm going to also find a link in boating etiquette as the last 2 times boats have passed us and not slowed down. This is rough in any fishing boat let alone a 9' plastic one!

Take care, all, and I hope to see you on the water!

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