Saturday, January 31, 2009

Middle Concho 1-31-09

Interesting day!

Chip Palko fell victim of my master plan to insure that I win the PABC Small Stringer Award. When I found out that Chip had a 1.4, well I couldn't have that; now, could I? I skillfully put him in position to catch a 1.14 thus my 1.7 will take the day. (**insert evil laugh here**)

Actually, I had the privilege to be taken out fishing by Chip. It was an honor that I don't take lightly. I knew that it was going to be an interesting day. Temperature was in the mid-60s and clear with the water being 49-50 degrees and stained. Wind was coming out of the south pretty hard, 20 MPH pretty steadily until dusk. I was fishing a 1/4 oz. Scrounger jig head on a white Lake Fork Swim Bait. Pretty bait but despite a couple of hits, I officially got ...

Not the first time. Not the last, I'm sure!

Chip was fishing something he was calling a "Killer Shad" and it did well. We were casting in an area and I got a hit. He tossed in and caught it.

It certainly got my attention and I watched with interest.

We were fishing my areas on the Middle Concho that I have been hitting as of late. There was no less than 5 other boats in the area. We hit the gently sloping mud banks that are shallow and tried to see if the fish would hit. We worked in the salt cedars where Chip caught about 4 good size whites to include this nice fish.

In general, Chip was working on the outside of the cedars. In my opinion, he was doing one thing critically right where as I was doing one thing critically wrong. Chip downsized to this swim bait where as I was sticking to the 4.5 inch swim bait. I didn't think it would make much difference until I saw Chip keep on catching the fish. By then it was too late. I hadn't fished this swim bait and jig head before so I wanted to get familiar with it. I knew that I would have a hard time unless I drug the bait onto the head of the bass. As I noted, no such luck. I have to admit, I did enjoy watching Chip catch this one.

The 1.14 was a blast!

On a side note, I got good news and bad news on a bet we had made. Chip lost one by the boat and said it was a largemouth bass. I said that I didn't think so. He said, "Well, let me catch it again."

He did. That was the bad news. The good news was that I was right, it turned out to be a white. ;-P

Chip did manage to make a pretty good stringer.

I has a great time and hope to get back out tomorrow.

Take care and I hope to see you on the water!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Middle Concho 1-25-09


Went to our usual haunt as of late. Got there at about 3:30 and tied things up at about 6 PM. My fishing buddy, Scott, and I both had a lot of casualties in way of lures and tackle. I caught one on a crank bait; dink. Unfortunately, that was the only one. Scott had many hits on a Carolina rigged crawfish.

Water temperature was 51 and the water was, well ... what we expect for the typical clarity. Wind was out of the south at about 10 mph pretty much the whole time.

The dink was shallow in a gradual sloping mud bank. Pretty interesting that this has consistently produced the last few times I've fished the area. As one person put it, "I don't think the fish in the area ever stop going shallow."

I'm going to also find a link in boating etiquette as the last 2 times boats have passed us and not slowed down. This is rough in any fishing boat let alone a 9' plastic one!

Take care, all, and I hope to see you on the water!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Middle Concho 1-19-09

Subtitled: I hate the Weatherman!

Just kidding!

I was expecting a clear day with winds coming out of the SSW at 5-10 MPH. We got a clear day with winds coming out of the North at 10-20 MPH. Not a good thing for a 9' plastic boat! I spent more time trying to keep a position than fishing. On days like that, it's hard to fish bottom because you move too much.

I caught a 1.7 on a Bleeding Shad Rattletrap fished through some thinning salt cedars. Paw-In-Law got a decent hit by the boat. Most of our action was on the outer line of cedars. Water temp was 45-47 degrees. I guess this means I am in the running for the PABC Small Stringer. I'll try to disqualify myself at a later date!

Hope you spend your MLK Holiday on the water!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Concho River 1-16, 17, 18-09

Nada, nada, and more nada. I spied what looked like an old disintegrating bridge behind Massie Funeral Home and recalled how winter fish relate to transition bottoms. Friday evening for a very short period, I threw with a cheap ultralite I keep in my truck and had no bites, but I still held hope. I went out Saturday morning a bit more seriously and more serious equipment. For a couple of hours, I fished with a jig and Carolina worm and got no hits before I ran out of time. I had an opportunity this evening to try again and figuring the warming might help the fishing tried my best even throwing a rattletrap. Grrr.....

Heading out with paw-in-law in the AM with hopes of catching a few.

Hope to see you on the water!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Interview with Garath Fulks

I had an opportunity to meet Garath Fulks, a student at my school, in early August. I had read an article in the Standard Times about him and his experience with Junior Bass Masters and knew that he would be at my campus. So, of course, I made sure to introduce myself. I was curious as to what kind of person could make it to that level or fishing at such a young age; personality, traits, you know ... things like that. Through the course of the year, I have had an opportunity to get to know him and recognize that he is indeed the real deal. I was talking about him with one of his teachers who told me a story about when he asked Garath if he knew how to fish. The teacher said that Garath half-grinned and in his easy, confident way said, "Yes sir, I know how to fish." The teacher said that he imagined Billy The Kid responding in a similar way if asked if he knew how to shoot a gun.

Garath was nice enough to cut his after school activity off a little to meet with me for this interview.

WTJB: Hello, fellow fish jerks. It is 4:09 on a Monday afternoon. I have in my interview area Garath Fulks.
Garath, how are you doing today?

GF: I’m doing pretty good. How are you?

WTJB: I am well. I want to thank you for taking time today in regards to an interview with West Texas Jerk Bait. For the record, what is your full name and hometown?

GF: My name is Garath Fulks and I am from San Angelo, Texas.

WTJB: Are you a member of any local bass clubs?

GF: I’m a member of the Permian Bass Club in Odessa. Every year I fish the Junior Bassmaster Circuit.

WTJB: When you say every year, how many years has it been now?

GF: I started in 2007, I think. That was the year I went to nationals. I guess this will be my 3rd year, this year.

WTJB: Goodness! So, when you go to nationals where is this usually done at?

GF: It’s held all over the country. When I went it was held at Syracuse, New York. The year before that it was at Alabama. This year it is in Kansas.

WTJB: How well did you do at those?

GF: I placed 10th.

WTJB: Out of how many?

GF: Well, there were 51 people in my age group.

WTJB: Wow! Well done! Next question; when we are talking WTJB, we are talking about local lakes. What would you consider to be your favorite local lake and why?

GF: I like Lake Ivie. It is a great lake. You can do just about anything there; any technique you want to and catch fish on it.

WTJB: What would you consider to be your favorite techniques?

GF: It really depends on what time of the year it is. Like this year, normally, we are fishing deep drop shots or Carolina Rigging. This year it is a little weird. We were throwing swim baits in 8’ of water yesterday and killing them.

WTJB: What would you consider to be your three favorite lurers and why?

GF: My first favorite lure is a hand poured Sinco that I had made from a guy in Wisconsin. It’s just an awesome bait that resembles a dead, dying thing just floating through the water and it’ll catch fish. My second favorite bait is a Spro frog; the bronze eye color. They’re just a lot of fun to use and catch fish on. My third favorite bait would probably be a watermelon colored fluke used as a soft jerk bait through grass beds and trees.

WTJB: OK. Keeping in mind that you are young to be this young and experienced you probably have some good advice that even an older guy like myself can use. Care to share any?

GF: For this time of year?

WTJB: Sure.

GF: Probably for this time of year normally I’d say fish deep in rock beds or brush piles but for this year I’d say fish in the salt cedars flipping or throwing a swim bait if you can find enough room to.

WTJB: What about early spring?

GF: Same, pretty much, because they are spawning in the shallow waters except for the bigger fish which are probably in 15’ of water.

WTJB: What is your opinion on the condition of local fishing?

GF: It’s not very good right now, I don’t think. I hope it gets a lot better come spring time with the spawn and fish being more aggressive and wanting your bait.

WTJB: OK. Do you have any true favorite fishing stories?

GF: I’ve got a couple. One, well … it’s not really a story, but an experience. I went fishing with Gerald Swindle in New York. That was a blast! That was the best fishing trip I had ever had. He’s the funniest guy in the world! He kept calling people “Hammerheads” and kept calling me “GMan” or “Little G”.

My second favorite story is a bit embarrassing. I was fishing on (Lake) Hubbard and it was early morning in the summer. I was jerking a chug bug over a grass bed. I decided I would hold on to the rod with one hand and look around. I switched hands and gave it one more jerk and I had about a 5 pounder come up and attack my bait. So I freaked out and set the hook with one have and dropped my rod into the water. I jumped into the water and caught my rod. I was fighting the fish while in the water. It was 15 feet of water and I was trying to swim. My grandfather was in the boat about 50’ away laughing his head off. It didn’t make me very happy. The fish ended up getting hung up on a tree and got away. I climbed back into the boat and stayed wet or the rest of the trip.

WTJB: Catch and release?

GF: Yeah. Definitely.

WTJB: OK. Personal heroes?

GF: My personal hero is my grandpa (Danny Fulks) ‘cause he takes me fishing just about every where I go because my dad is busy working. He’s taught me everything I know about fishing.

WTJB: In your experience around here, who would you consider the 3 best local fishermen that you know?

GF: Jim Brown is a pretty good fisherman. He is the director of the youth fishing for Junior Bass. Wendell (Ramsey) is pretty good. Austin Terry is pretty good. He’s beat me pretty bad at a few of our tourneys. He’s a senior this year at Central.

We wrapped things up from there as he had homework he needed to attend to. It struck me odd how people pass through each other's lives and the impact we make on others. Garath, though a young man just starting his journey to adulthood, demonstrates many attributes that we as adults struggle with. He is an old soul merged with the hope of a life that is coming to pass. I consider myself fortunate to have crossed paths with this youngster. This is one kiddo that I look forward to watching as he grows up hopefully doing something that he loves and perhaps we will get to see on Bass Masters in our old age.

If you are so inclined, the interview in it's entirity is podcasted. Tune in on Podbean to hear some of the things edited in the written interview.

I hope to see you on the water!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

1-5-09 PABC Standings

The December Weigh Ticket Tourney was concluded 1-5-09. Participating members weighed in their top 3 catches with the results posted below.

1. Dorman, Mike 7 9/16, 6 3/16, 4 14/16 with a monthly total of 18 10/16
2. Dorman, Bryan 3 13/16, 4 12/16, 3 11/16 with a monthly total of 12 4/16
3. Morris, Jeff 3 14/16, 3 12/16, 3 9/16 with a monthly total of 11 3/16
4. Cavaness, Roy 5 2/16, 2 13/16, 2 13/16 with a monthly total of 10 12/16
5. Day, Jim 4 8/16, 2 5/16, 1 12/16 with a monthly total of 8 9/16
6. Leeper, Jay 3 1/16, 1 7/16, 1 6/16 with a monthly total of 5 14/16
7. Day, Garrett 3 5/16, 2 5/16 with a monthly total of 5 10/16
8. Gagliano, Scott 1 fish with a monthly total of 3 6/16
9. Palko, Chip 1 4/16 and 2 1/16 with a monthly total of 3 5/16
10. Lucas, Jesse 1 fish with a monthly total of 1 12/16

Congrats to all who participated.

The current PABC Overall Standings are

1. Brian Dorman 55.33
2. Roy Cavness 46.64
3. Mike Dorman 46.13
4. Jeff Morris 44.23
5. Garrett Day 30.87
6. Jay Leeper 25.74
7. Jim Day 25.07
8. Jesse Lucas 24.63
9. Chip Palko 22.94
10. Scott Gagliano 11.19
11. Scott Miner 6.13
12. Justin Houk 6.00
13. Drew Searsy 5.50
14. Westley Wyatt 4.06
15. Bob Whitt 3.00
16. Kevin Johnson 1.94
17. Justin Eady 1.88
18. Wes Hayes 1.88
19. Justin Brumley 1.69
20. Noah Brumley 1.44

If there are any other clubs that want to post their results and standings, please email me or post on the forums.

Thanks guys!

O. H. Ivie 12-31-08

The Dormans, Mike and Bryan, sent me some pics from the 12-31 trip to Ivie. Mike commented on a prior post that they traveled up the Colorado and found the catch in about 3-4' of water. They were fishing worms.

Bryan (left) said he caught this 4.12 on the day. Mike (right) caught this 7.10 shortly after. Great Pics!

Mike said the conditions were cold and windy. Thanks for the info, guys!!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Middle Concho 1-3-09

What is it about me and batteries????

Paw-in-law and I traveled up the Concho to try our luck. Fished a couple of spots that were supposed to be pretty good. I managed to up my stringer with a 1.6
giving me a PABC straight (1.5, 1.6, and 1.7) so I was pretty stoked about the small stringer award for the month. I knew that Jim Day would be tough competition, though.

Then I messed up.

Nuts! This 3.1 messed up my chances. Oh well!

He sure was a nice catch!

John, Mr. Unconventional, went off and caught this on a crank bait in about 3 feet of water.

Now, I knew better than to comment on how unlikely he would catch a fish up in the area he wanted to go because he pulls things like this. I learned a long time ago to just watch.

The 3 that I caught were in 8-13' of water and I caught them on the jig and crawfish trailer. There was a little wind coming out of the south, but not too bad. Water temp was mostly 50 degrees with the water being the usual Twin Buttes fare.

Big props to John for the pictures as I neglected to properly place the camera on the charger the night before. His LG saved the day and took some great pics!

For anyone interested, the PABC will be meeting 1-5-09 at the Fellowship Hall of Paul Ann Baptist at 7 PM.

Hope to see you there!

Oh yeah, and I hope to see you on the water.