Sunday, April 26, 2009

Webisode 1: PABC Tourney 4-25-09

OK folks!

I actually took a serious shot at this.

Wendell Ramsey is the guest angler and many thanks to him for his patience and help on this project. We are far from over on this one.

I told him that I envisioned the webisode as a kind of Bob Phillips Texas Country Reporter meets the World Fishing Network. In reality, it was closer to Mike Rowe Dirty Jobs and Alton Brown Good Eats met and had a baby.

On a side story, I ended up catching my 3 fish limit, but almost shot myself in the foot. I had 2 fish for a while and wanted 1 more just so I can say I had a limit. We went to a spot and with my first cast caught a keeper! I almost peed myself. We went to the live well and checked sizes and I remember Wendell saying, "The yellow ball is your smallest." Instead of putting it on the ball, my feeble brain registered "Cull the yellow ball" and threw out the smallest fish sans the floating ball. just as I released the fish, I looked up at Wendell and his expression said it all ... "What are you doing!?!?!?" I was sick, but we both laughed A LOT! I just wasn't use to having a limit and didn't know how to act! Much to my relief, I managed to catch a bigger fish 2 minutes later.

OK, without further adieu, here is my first attempt at a true 1.5 minute webisode!

Any feedback would be appreciated and I want to know what you want to see.

Many thanks for taking the time to read and watch this! Remember, "Cast straight, cast often, and keep your wake small for the guys in the plastic boats!"

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