Sunday, May 10, 2009

Webisode 2: Twin Buttes 5-6-09

It felt like it had been forever since I had been on the water. I shore fished 5-2-09 with no luck. The weather had been cool and drizzle then the high temps and clear skys of Wednesday happened.

Wendell happened to have an empty seat and was kind enough to invite me along. Fishing with him is an honor I do not take lightly.

Webisode 2 is an opportunity for me to get better at my skills. Although a work in progress, I am getting more confident with it. I'll work on making the dialog smoother, but I have to admit that this is a blast.

Hope you enjoy!

This is getting to be more of what I have in mind and I look forward to making more of these webisodes.

Many thanks to Wendell for taking me fishing and being a sport in making this project!

Take care all and remember, "Cast straight, cast often, and keep your wake small for the guys in the plastic boat."

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