Friday, March 20, 2009

Twin Buttes 3-20-09

Paw-in-law and I fished around the old boat dock up towards the north shore. Weather was a bit windy at first and settles down about 9ish. Water was clearer than usual and about 65 degrees.
I struck first with a crank bait catching a keeper and a dink. But then John caught a lot on a
crank bait.. I lost count after 5. We wrapped things is at about 10:50, but he caught this 2.15 right there at the end. He ended up harvesting 4 keepers and the TPW would be proud.
I had fun getting whipped and look forward to the next big catch!
Take care and remember, "Cast straight, cast often, and keep your wake small for the guys in the plastic boat."

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